Do your Oxfordshire networking nightmares haunt you?

All good learning happens outside your comfort zone. When you’re starting out in business you may be hesitant or fearful of new situations which, with experience, you’ll come to enjoy.

Have you ever been advised, when faced with a challenging situation, to make the challenge smaller by imagining ‘what’s the worst that could happen’?

haunt you

Well, in a room that appears filled with poised, experienced business people in smart clothing balancing hot drinks, electrical equipment, trip hazards and sometimes mystifying procedures, it seems quite a lot of worst things could happen – and we’ve seen it all.

Have you had an Oxfordshire networking nightmare?

It’s not always easy to walk into a room and talk to strangers – but it’s harder if you can’t even work out how to get into the room. Sticky door handles, misplaced signs, dodgy locks – all this could conspire to stop you even getting started with a meeting.

And what if you don’t have the confidence to speak with anyone? Standing silent in a room full of chatting networkers while everyone looks to be effortlessly making connections can be soul-destroying. No-one likes a wallflower, but is this the right group of people if they don’t make it easy for you to approach them?

Balancing food and juggling handshakes can also be tricky when you’re trying to concentrate on chatting and eating at the same time, so what if you start to choke on your breakfast? Hoping there’s another member with first aid skills may be your best bet!

Or, when a meeting gets down to business and everyone else gets out their business cards, only for you to find you left yours at home? That’s not the lasting impression you were hoping to make! And the fear of what impression you’re making gets worse when nerves get the better of you and you stutter your way through your pitch?

Is it really all that bad?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with these worst-case scenarios, we like to think we can help you feel better about networking.

With good preparation before a meeting, advance planning on who you want to talk with and what you want to achieve, and of course the all-important follow up where the magic continues, you’ll soon be up there with the best at business networking.

We’re all people at the end of the day, and with Juice, people always come first. We make connections, forge relationships and share business opportunities so we can all benefit.

At Juice, we don’t judge – we encourage

We all remember our first forays into networking, and we all have a story to tell that would curl your toes, but we put all that behind us, brush off the networking nightmares and laugh as we get down to referring business.

You won’t be judged harshly, and you’ll soon fit into our friendly and welcoming group. We’re relaxed, but always professional, and we want you to enjoy business networking as much as you’ll enjoy the benefits.

Find out if Juice works for you

Try one of our Oxfordshire networking meetings as a guest - you’ll be personally welcomed and buddied up when you visit and we won’t leave you to fend for yourself.

Find out more and book your visit now. There’s no need to be nervous about Juice – just take the leap and try us out!

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